guest bloggers wanted

I need you! I want my wonderful readers to speak out and enjoy the "limelight". I know my blog is not very popular and it might not give you very many readers if you have your own blog but i would really appreciate it. If you are intested mail me at [email protected] or message me on facebook at Maddison fairs. Please!?

todays song

My day so far

I woke up this morning and felt a little bit down becasue today was the day my best friend left. Then i decided i would just think about all the good times we had and how lucky i was and how happy i was to have met her and she brightened up my first year in Denmark. I cleaned the chinchillas and then i got ready and watched Desperate housewives! (I am addicted to desperate housewives at the moment) After that had finished i had to go shopping and buy my mum and dad an anniversary presant because their anniversarie is on Saturday. I decided to buy them a cake and we bought some decorations to put on it. I am now relaxing and thought i have time to blog and now the weather is all raniny and horrible so i am no longer outside relaxing, i am indoors snuggled up on the sofa. I longer blog is coming out tonight, so come back and look at my blog later! Also if you are intrested in Guest blogging this summer email me at [email protected] ot contact me on facebook (Maddison fairs) or on twitter @Msmaddisonfairs .
Hope you are all having a good suummer so far.
And again i am very sorry about the really bad updates that is also why i want people to contact me and guest blog, all you have to do is message me and write what you would write and attach pictures of yourself and then i will message you back on the date it will apper on my blog (simple)
blog later!

Today is the day

Today is the day when i feel like i am losing something special. You have changed mmy life and i am so happy i met you! <3
Love you forever!

my day

My day was really fun and had a good time at the beach, i hvae had no time to blog today but i will blog in detail about today and a video blog will come out tommrow. Please keep reading my blog and i am so sorry for the bad updates! <3

Thank you Julia

I know this was posted really late becasue i did get given them by JULIA on Friday but here is watch she so kindly bought me!

a wonderful bracelet!

and a fan that was veryy useful today because of the hot weather!
Thank you so much Julia

todays song

ok so...

I am so sorry it has been bad updates but because it is summer and the sun is shiniing i do not want to sit in front of a computer all day! Not a lot has been happening really i have just been relaxing and enjoying myself in the sun! To say sorry for bad updates i am putting out a video blog tonight and will put put a competion. Also to make the updates better on my blog if anyone wants to guess blog over summer please just comment below and i will contact you. Tommrow i am going to the beach with some friends and my best friend JULIA <3 and this will be the last time we see each other before she moves back to Sweden. I will blog more later, i promise! <3



Translation:I thought I was smart even some truth but one that I am completely mad mad at you
 Blog more later!


video blog

short and sweet!

last day of school!

Now, i am going to school for the last time before summer! blog about it later X

whats been happening?

Not a lot has been happening recently, apart from i have a new brace fitted and have got facebook and i have become addicted so i am neglecting my blog a lot, sorry! I am excited to see Julia tommrow who has been away for about 1 week and now i is sadly time to say good bye after a wonderful year with her. I am going into schoo at 9:00 tommrow morning so i can lie in bed and maybe i will have time to blog! After school (which ends at 11:00) i am going to the movies with Rosario and Colomba and my sis. It should be funny and then it is time to celebrate because it will finally be SUMMER! I have alreay posted my plans for the summer but if you want to see them again just comment below and i will republish them. Again i am very sorry but i have got to live my life! If anyone is intrested in Guest blogging over summer just comment and i will happily say yes or email me at [email protected] =) I am now relaxing and watching a bit of TV and then i will sleep and hopefily dream about nice things.

This is my motto that i saw on an Ed hardy design, i also have this picture hanging in my room and it reminds me every day to Live my life my way!

sleep well, wonderful blog readers!

todays song

one more day

One moore day until summer! So excited just to have no school for 2 monthes.
blog more later but right now have to go :P
 now can not upload pictures, is so annoying!

2 more days to go

2 more days to the end of school, for summer! So excited!

finish at 14:55 tommrow and a video blog will come out, and i am sorry for bad updates but my life still has to be lived!


I am now on Facebook!


I am at school, now listening to people practise to present their personal projects. We are showing them to parants tonight so shit scared about that. I will blog after i have biked home from school and a long post is coming out at 17:00.

tommrows plans

  • wake- up early and bike to school
  • worst day at school ever
  • come home from school
  • blog
  • go to my class presantation
  • blog
  • have dinner
  • sleep

What a boring life i have! But you must enjoy reading about it , i hope!
sleep well

enter now

I am going to do a list of my favourite bogs to look at, so if you think there is a cool blog you look at or your own blog omment below and you can appear on the list with a link!


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