plan for the day

  • get dressed
  • walk the dogs
  • homework
  • relax
  • blog more
  • eat
  • bed
interesting day.....

My listens of today

go follow me at @TheHeadJedhead on twitter <3

Song of the day

I listened to this song the other day, it is really good! I hope you like....

better now

I feel much better about my life now, things seem to be going my way! I think it helped writing it down...

Song of the day

I am a crazy Jedhead! I love Jedward.

i am back, but not happy!

I know it has been a while since i last posted but i need to tell someone about what is going through my head even if i don't know who you are.
I don't think i have ever felt so alone, i have noone to talk to about how i feel, i am so lonely and confused about what to do. I am so sick and tired of being the "black sheep" in my family, the one who lets everybody down. I admit i have no talents and i hardly ever do what my mum and dad tell me to do, i have a big attitude problem, but does that mean i should feel this alone? My sister tells me i am annoying and she has told me that she wishes i did not exsist and i can not even count how many times she has told me that she hates me. What she does not understand is that she is lucky, she gets 1000 KR every week, I get maxium 10 KR, I am jelous of her. It is not as if she is 18 or even 16, she is just 14 and i am 13 but there is a big different between us. My brother has always been the favourite, the amazing football star that can do nothing wrong in my mum's opinion, he gets whatever he wants without even saying please.
Somedays are really good, i am as happy as can be but others i can cry all day, my mum says it is hormones and brushes it under the carpet but i know that she does not want to notice that i am not happy. Giving my mum credit she does try to cheer me up but it never works and My dad just sees my bad attitude.
There is noone i can talk to. I just don't belong anywhere is seems.
I don't know what i should do... How i will ever feel better and when i will.

what do you want?

what do you want from my blog? what do you want be to do on my blog that will keep you reading? PLEASE TELL ME AND COMMENT!

friday night

My friday night is just me relaxing in front of the telly with fastfood!

Today my mum bought me this lovely screw necklace ♥

Enjoy your Friday night


julepynt day

today at school it is christmas decoration day! it is when we have to decorate our classrooms and the best classroom wins a free trip to the cinema. We had a christmas tree and lots of cool decorations everywhere. We also watched a movie, we watched a christmas carol. It was lots of fun and a good friday.
This song really puts me in the mood for christmas:
(i would put it on my blog but won't let me and i do not know why!)

P.S sorry for not blogging <3


This song is amazing to listen to when your down!

(i would put in the video but it won't let me)



blog tommrow

i am really sorry but i really am not in the mood to blog. I DONT KNOW WHY! i am so sorry but there will be loads of posts tommrow...

thank you for understanding... (i hope you do)


my school day

Today i got up and went to school. My first lesson was maths, and it was so boring and then i had science and all we did was play this stupid dice game. Then we had special activites where we was divided into our houses and we played sports activities like football and chair ball. (our houses are the ones after harry potter, i am huffleppuff). WE WON! so we got a special trea which was really nice. Then i had english and we are remaking hamlet.
(pictures of the activites coming soon)

Now i am relaxing in front of the telly.

blog later <3

// Maddison

The amazing nellie berntsson

I am in the competion to blog on for the day
I think nellie is an amazing girl, she is only quite young but she has achieved so much! She is a good rider and a great blogger and a brilliant actress.
Join the competion.


math and science done

I have just finished my math and science homework! The science was 38 questions! The math was this boring thing about pyramids that i did not understand a word of! I have been trying to upload loas of pictures but my computer is being stupid!

My list for the blog for this week:

  • At least one post a day
  • answer questions (if i get any :D)
  • video blog for Tuesday (vote for the topic the video blog should be about)
  • song of the week
  • celebrity of the moment (every week)

I hope you will keep reading eventhough i have been away for a couple of months i always come back! ♥


i cant believe it...

I cant believe it! even though i have not been blogging i have still been having 7 readers! Thank you to everyone that has kept looking at my blog even though there is nothing on here.

Thank you



sorry that i have not been blogging! I have been really busy with schoolwork, dentist and hockey.
I have started to play hockey with a danish hockey team, we play every wedenesday and it is lots of fun. We recently travelled to Copenhagen to play a team and it was loads of fun but i was really tired after. last time i blogged i told you about how i was starting loads of dentist thigs and getting braces. Since then i have have had lots of different things done and soon i will have PERFECT teeth (i hope). My animals are all doing fine, my oldest dog holly is gettting really old so she is having loads of problems with waking and stuff like that. School has been getting really hard since now i am in year 8. I get loads more homework which is not fun so i have very little time for other things.

soon it is christmas! i am really looking forward to my first danish family christmas, last year we had my grandparents here. we finish with school on the 16th of december and start again on the 2nd of janurary, so ii have a lot of tiime to blog for you.
since you have missed out on a lot of things that have happened to me since i last blogged, just comment and i will answer your question the next day.

right now i am wanting "friends" and chilling on facebook.
I will try and write another post tonigh and upload loads of picture, but my computer died so a lot of my pictures are gone.

Love you!


Song of the week

I am back!

Hey, i know i said i would start to blog after summer, but at school i have had so much homework i barely have time to blink! I am going to make some changes to this blogg, i am going to be more decriptive about my life and ii am going to put an overveiw of my day up everyday. Once a week i will upload a song of the week and once a month will be a video blog!

Thank you and i hope you carry on reading my blog
And please comment and tell me anything that can improve my blog
Thank you and i am so sorry for the delay of me starting to blog again.

todays song

todays song

In memory of Amy winehouse.

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