My day

My day at  was very dramatic at school i had a lot of fights with people in my class over P.E (stupid or what) because i play and i may hurt people (not on purpose!) but people take it very serious so they start having a go at me like calling me crazy etc... but you do not want to piss of me because i get very angry and pissed off. When i got home i had math homework and spelling to do all due for tommrow. 

Happy birthday Rascal!

Happy birthday to Julia's horse Rascal who is 11 today!

So tired...

The last couple of days i have been very tired because i have had to babysit my brother while my parants were out at meetings but on Tuesday the meeting went on til 11:00 pm! Then today my dad was in Copenhagen and my Mum had a meeting at the school about the trip we are going on in May also my brother had a friend round to keep him company so i looked after them!

I dont mind it is just i am so tired i was half asleep in class today :)

Another is we have had stupid amounts of homework! (mostly maths!)

That is some of the reasons for my bad updates but i will try and blog more! ♥ 

sorry for bad updates

It has been quite hard for me to blog so far this week because we have had a LOT of homework! It will blog later today and tell you everything that has been going on sicnce my last update Xoxo

my lazy day

Today i was very lazy! Me and my family decided that we would have a movie marathon today! First i took the dogs for a walk and cleaned the chinchillas and then we had a nice lunch and watched our first movie which was Aliens in the attic then Madagascar after that we watched beetlejuice (very old movie but is vey good!) and the last movie was planet of the apes 1 and 2.


It is finally the weekend!

This week it has been very slow because my Dad has been away also i have felt very tired because we have had a lot of homework!

My dad is coming back to Denmark on Sunday and i am very excited as i miss him so much! He went to America for 5 days and he arrived to England today ♥

I will try and blog this weekend but sadly we have homework this weekend :( i am very annoyed as the weekend is for relaxing and having fun with friends not doing HOMEWORK!!!


my day

My day has been really boring! i went to school til 1:00 and after  i went shoppping with my mum then we went to pick my brother ans sister from school. I then did home-work and i am still not finished! i will try and blog a lot toommrow as my blog is getting boring and i have little time to blog! xoxo

hair help

i need some help on having a new hair style because i wear the same thing every day!

(my normail hair style)
if you have any idea please comment and i will then post a picture of the style on my blog!

today's songs

i am running out of songs so if you know any please comment and i wil post them on my blog!
this song is called someone like you by adele:
this song is called who we are by jessie j:
this song is called fucking perfect by Pink:

Todays song

Todays song is Jessie J price tag it is amazing!

my day

Today i was home alone, my mum and dad and brother was at a football match and my sister was at her friends so i was at home. It was fun i walked and brushed the dogs and then i cleaned the chinchillas also i made me and my sister breakfast before she went to her friends and when she went i washed up. After i had done all the jobs i watched a DVD called "midsomer murders" it was very good and lasted 2 hours. Then my sister came back and we called our nan in England and we spoke for an HOUR! Then my mum and dad and brother came home!

I am very sorry to hear about what has happened in Japan and the Pacfic ocean countries to find out more click on this link: (it is a English news channel)

My new glasses

i got my glasses today. I was kind of scared what they would look like o.n me! I think they look nice! xoxo!

(these are my glasses)


me and barney!

Todays outfit

sorry for bad picture!
i wore:
Purple skinny jeans
white and pink T-shirt
green cardigan

today ear-rings

Get well soon Julia <3

I missed you today Julia. Get well soon! xoxo

French homework

I do not understand my french homework so i am guessing.

then i will try and do some math but i can not be bothred! :D
then i will go to sleep!
i will try and blog tommrow!

my new fav song

At the moment my favourite album is Adele 21 it is amazing her songs are really good my favourite song of hers is:

cooking trouble

Tommrow is my turn to bring in a treat at school. I decided to make flapjacks. When i was at school my mum tried 2 times but they turned out bad so i had to make them! They do not look nice and i am scared i am going to posin people! :(

hopefully they will be ok!

I am at school....

I am at school having a History lesson it is really boring! we have to make a comic but i do not know what to write!
Today so far we have had Maths and french. Maths was not fun but french was ok but i still can not understand anything he says!
I will blog again later!<3

<3 random post <3

I might go to bed now i am very tired and i have to bbe up at 6:30 am tommrow! :( Today was a good day apart from the science test.
i will try and blog tommrow!

(julia i am so happy you are back i missed you and thankyou so much for the ear-rings! x)

Todays outfit

i could not find nothing to wear this morning so i just wore:
Brown trousers
grey top
green cardigan
fake uggs(still can not find my real ones :()

today ear-rings (thankyou Julia)

these are the ear-rings i wore before Julia gave me the Lovely ones ♥


Julia came back from her holiday today and she brought me back some lovely ear-rings!♥ I love them so much!

(sorry for the bad Picture)
Thankyou so much Julia

<3 Random post <3

today i have really been missing England and my Family there! My eyes ache because off the contact lenses wich i have to wear while they are making my glasses. Later today i will upload some pictures which i have taken this week which i have not uploaded. This week i will start doing outfit off the day and i am going to start doing ear-rings off the day to. I am trying to do my danish homework but i do not understand so i have given up! I was not happy with my dog Barney this morning as he decided to wee everywere it was such a mess!

my week

My week has not been fun because Julia was not there so i was very lonely! :( Also today our seats got changed and now Julia and me do not sit together and i have to sit at the front! I was ill on Wednesday so i missed the second Science test (yay) but i still have to do it (noooo) Today i presented my Mummification project in history and it was ok. Maths was fine this week it was money so i found it quite easy but i stilled missed working together with Julia. This weekend i will try and blog a lot because i have not really blogged this week. Sorry.

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