No comments=No blog

I am really annoyed that i never have any comments, it is annoying because i have out in the time to blog so you can read it and you give me nothing in return. I have now decided if i do not have at least 2 comments a week then i will not blog for about 2 days. I think that is fair because i know that people read my blog (as long as my statistics are not lying) an i also knwo it is not a very popular blog but i have out in the time for you and you can give me something back. Thank-you and i hope this makes you understand that i want people to comment and it makes my day when i get lovly comments from people. xoxo
Sleep well! <3

Postat av: STOCKHOLMSJENNA - Livet som ryttare i storstan

ifall du kommenterar så kommenterar andra tillbaka, that's life

2011-07-04 @ 12:07:18

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