My life so far (part 3)
This part of my life will be all about the 16 hour joueney to Denmark in a Citreon picass with 3 dogs and 2 chinchillas and five humans
We left England at 16:00 sharp, and we put the 3 dogs in the boot with the chinchilla food and put the chinchillas in a cat basket on under my brother feet. First we had to drive to the euro tunner station in time for our Euro tunnel to France, It took about 30 minutes to get there and when we did there was a special pen where you could walk the dogs so we got barney, benson and holly out of the car and let them have a ten minute run-around and let the poo/wee. Then it was time to get on the train to France. We had to drive the car through this place where they lookd at your passsports and had a check in tha car to make sure you had no drugs or bombs... in your car, after that we had to driv onto the train. On the train it was really weird, we talked about how we wanted our lives to be and how we felt about the move. After what seemed like forever we arrived in France, we all needed to pee so we let the dogs out again for a run and then we all went to pee, French toliets are gross! Anyway after we had stopped of on a break we had to drive to get to Belguim. Belgium was the shortest country of them all, it took about 2 hours (whch was short compared to some others) and there was no need for a break and then we reached Holland, we decided that we all needed a break because our bum's were getting num and the dogs needed to stretch our legs, so again we all got out the car and all had a break and then we got back in the car again, Me and my brother and sister were starting to get tired and were starting to sleep and then as we were sleeping my dad took a wrong turn so we got LOST in Holland! We finally after 30 minutes of driving around in circles found our way and got back on track. After 4 or 5 hours of a journey in Holland we still had Germany to go, That was the longest and most boring country to drive through because we just wanted to get to our new home and get out of the car! My dad really needed to take a sleep becasue he had been driving for about 10 hours and that is a long time to be driving especially through the night, so we pulled over at the nearest truck stop and all took a break. We got the dogs out of the car again and took them for a walk and then we all decided we were so hungry and needed to eat because we had not eaten snce 16:00 and were starving, so we went into the nearest petrol/food station and got some food and then once my dad had finished resting we set of on the final part of the journey. After what seemed like the longest country we had finally arrived in our new home.
my life so far (part 4) will talk about moving into our home and getting ready for a whole new life.