Who do you think you are?
I have just read a really inspiring post from Nellie's blog and it was so amazing it made me think about some issues that are in this world that keep happening and none is doing anything about it, it makes me very angry to think that some people have no respect for people with problems like downs syndrom or cancer because they have no experienced it themselves or people who get picked on or bullyed because maybe they are gay or a lesbian, or becauuse of peoples weight or the couler of their skin. It is not right but none does anything about it, so it is down to people who do not think this is right to argue and stand-up for these ppeople because the people are either to scared or ashamed of what they are like and what they do. People need to think if it was them in that situation and if you were struggling to find your way in life, would they like it if it was them in that situation. I believe that people should just be left alone and be respected for the things they do and what they are as a person. I also have so much respect for the people who protest and argue to prove that the way certain people are treated is wrong. The was a law recently put in place in Tennesee in America were being gay in illegal and if you are you are put in Prison, That is wrong! Being a certain way or looking differant to everyone elese should not be illegal, it is just who you are.
Because you are amazing Just the way you are!